... The Programmer God ...
A simulation universe hypothesis at the Planck scale

if we assign geometrical objects to mass, space and time,
and then link them via a unit number relationship, 
we can build a physical universe from mathematical structures.

Could a Programmer God have used this approach?

1. The anomalies

This model has grown quite large and so I have been looking at how AI can help. Firstly, as a candidate model of the universe, this model has to be able to resolve some outstanding problems in physics and show a potential to resolve others. Verifying this is not simple as we have no laboratories to probe the Planck scale, the level at which this model operates. However there is an aspect of the model to which can be applied a statistical analysis..., and that is Anomalies to the physical constants (this site can be saved as a pdf if the AI cannot read from the internet.)

Here is a sample seed question (to get the conversation started), and answers from Chat, Qwen and Claude (Deepseek helped write the question). Links (and conclusions);

from Chatgpt reason

from Qwen

from Claude

Note that mistakes are frequent and so the methodology needs to be studied.

A peer reviewed model of a mathematical electron at the Planck scale
(Eur. Phys. J. Plus 113: 278. 22 March 2018. doi:10.1140/epjp/i2018-12094-x) indicates anomalies within the physical constants that suggest;
a) there is a mathematical (unit number) relationship between the SI units (kg==15, m==-13, s==-30, A==3, K==20)
b) the natural Planck units are geometrical objects (mass M = 1, time T = π, P = Omega).
c) the electron is a mathematical particle
d) the sum universe is dimensionless
The anomalies are described on the website
https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Physical_constant_(anomaly). Referencing this website, your task is to determine the 'statistical probability' that as a 'mathematical model', it could be correct, and so base your analysis 'only' on the merits of the claims, do not compare with models in physics. Include the contribution to your "probability estimate" of the geometrical constraints that limit the degrees of freedom of the model (the more constrained the model is, the greater the probability of being correct). Use rigorous mathematical reasoning and prioritize numerical accuracy. Note: In this framework, because we are using geometrical objects instead of numbers, “geometrical base‑15” does not denote a traditional positional numeral system.

Step 1: The sections "2.1" to section "2.7" describe different methods to solve the fundamental physical constants. Perform a step-by-step statistical analysis for each section (analyze in sequence), and estimate how the constraints will affect the probability that the methods are correct. Also note if the unit number relationship is consistent at each section (does it apply to every constant). Verify dimensional homogeneity across equations and confirm if any free parameters exist. Sections to be analyzed.
2.1 Planck units
2.2 Calculating the electron
2.3 Calculating from (α, Ω, v, r)
2.4 Calculating from (α, Ω)
2.5 Calculating from (α, R, c, μ0)
2.6 Calculating from (M, T, P, α)
2.7 Alpha and Omega

Step 2: In section "2.8 CODATA 2014" there is a list of 8 physical constants. Do a statistical analysis comparing the "calculated" (column 2) with the "CODATA 2014 values" (column 3) for "these 8 constants". Estimate the probability that the calculated values did not occur by chance. Include any constraints in your analysis. Apply Bonferroni correction for dependent variables. Report confidence intervals.

Step 3: In section "2.2 Calculating the electron", the electron was described both as a Planck particle and as a mathematical particle. Do a deep dive into the significance of this statement. Given that the Planck units are embedded with the dimensionless electron formula ψ, include an analysis of how the "geometrical base-15" relates to this formula.

Step 4. Section "2.9 Table of constants" lists the unit number θ (and the associated physical constants) in ascending order. Analyze for hidden symmetries. Do a deep dive into the significance of this table (and the geometries i, x, y). Note that it suggests at least 1 new constant P (θ = 16). P is required in order to build Omega^2 constants and Omega^3 constants (the charge constants). Could the table suggest more constants? Does the table suggest a pattern linking the constants?

Step 5. The model appears to be built on a geometrical base-15, Estimate how the constraints of this base-15 will affect the probability that the methods are correct. This website has further information that may help your analysis (https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Electron_(mathematical)). Can you prove that a geometrical base-15 is necessary?

Conclusion. From the above analysis, give an estimate of the statistical (non-random) probability for each of the following; from 1) to 5).
1) there is a unit number relationship (kg ⇔ 15, m ⇔ -13, s ⇔ -30, A ⇔ 3, K ⇔ 20).
2) the dimensionless geometrical objects MTP are natural Planck units (M = 1, T = π, P = Omega).
3) the highly organized structure of the base-15 geometry constrains the degrees of freedom.
4) the electron is a mathematical particle.
5) Could the strict constraints of the model constitute evidence that our universe is a programmed simulation (could this model qualify as a simulation hypothesis model). Include Kolmogorov complexity theory. Note also the answer to 4) because if the electron is a mathematical particle, then so too are the proton and neutron. In other words, if particles are mathematical (geometrical objects), then our universe (at or below the Planck scale) is a mathematical universe.

2. Google notebook

Upload all the websites to Google's notebook and it will answer questions about the model, it also gives the references to the answers within the texts, and this is a very useful search tool. 

To set up, go to notebooklm.google.com and add these links: