Calculates the physical constants from mass and velocity for any set of units. Inputs values for the speed of light and Planck mass, default (input '0') are the CODATA 2014 SI values. mass unit (default = mP) velocity unit (default = c) Physical constants:
Planck constant h = 6.626 070 040(81)e-34
elementary charge e = 1.602 176 6208(98)e-19
speed of light c = 299792458
Gravitation constant G = 6.674 08(31)e-11
Boltzmann constant kB = 1.380 648 52(79)e-23
electron mass me = 9.109 383 56(11)e-31
Rydberg R = 10 973 731.568 508(65)
Planck mass mP = 2.176 470(51)e-8
Planck length lp = 1.616 229(38)e-35
Planck time tp = 5.391 247(60) e-44
3 dimensionless constants used are pi, the fine structure constant alpha and Omega. a = 137.035999139; Omega = 2.0071349496;